Wednesday, 17 April 2013

" The Racehorse "

 About twenty years back , I described the woman as a Tonga horse , now I feel myself as a race horse doing both tasks at a time and satisfying so far herself and the ones who have a bet on it. The horse is 100% fit. The point to remember is that fitness is not the surety of winning a race, only one has to win.So it depends upon luck and the time that favors the luck . So it is actually a race between horse and time. Audience can just wait and see and clap.
I am a Fire Horse in Chinese  Astrology.
This came last in my mind when I was feeling these words ,I stunt to myself that what are we and what is written for us in our destiny by our lord . I just say ALLAH is great.


Thursday, 11 April 2013

A message for our close ones

 We are ordinary but the people around us are great,they wait for us,they care our body,they give space,they don't ask questions,they don't read our thoughts,they just want to read our presence,they shout when we really need someone to say wake up, they neglect when we wish to be neglected,they compose our self when we are shattered, they remain quiet and detached when there are storms in our body,they say good bye when we want to leave but they know very well that when a thing is yours it never goes anywhere , they love so deeply  that no one even they themselves never feel a glimpse  of it in the  sunshine but we are thankless people that we want more and more , something unique, something rare , only for us  that's why we travel a lot but it goes all in vain because we are in a close street and moving in a circle there are chains in our feet we even can't take a step from our place. We cry a lot but a time comes when we tend to realize that it is life, it is fate it is destiny,these are our limits when we want others to know their  limits but forget that these are like us.
 Know yourself and know your close ones for a happy life and love others so you would be loved by others.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

" Gayari Sector "

A  year has passed of this tragic incident ,may Allah rest their souls in peace and heads off to their courageous families.

A message to the very best friend




 There are many who are touching my words

 my feels and I am touching their hearts,even

 their fingers when they click for like,but there

 is no one to touch the real of mine, I feel 

untouched,unconquered , lonely like a snow 

covered mountain to be undiscovered.

 That 's why  to show my presence ,I am 

digging deep and deep to have the pearl of

 golden touch that could become a part of 

 heavenly crown at the top of the Everest.

 I am happy , I am blessed because I come 

 to a conclusion that there is no one except 

 our CREATOR who knows us very well and 

giving the golden touch in terms of favors 

 and keeps on giving and giving. 

"how can we disagree Allah's blessings "

( Surah-al- Rehman )
 Thank you

 my ALLAH ,my Creator, my Friend
my Inner of my inner self
Just need your support and please forgive me
 NOVEMBER 15 , 2012

For whom who reads me only... not my words

Most  of  the  people  hate  to  read  a  book. they  have  their  own  set patterns . they  don't want  to be  interfered. they  don't  know  every person  is  a  book  and  is  opened  in front  of  us . but  they  have  just  close  their   eyes   thinking ,
 " they hate book"
 You  simple  people  don't  know  that  book  of life   is  being  read  by  your  heart ,  your  brain  your  soul , your  body   and  your intellect  too  and  these  are  more  intelligent  of  you  as   you  trust  only  your  outer  eyes ,anyhow  just  do  what  you  want  to  do ,  we have  to  give  space  to  every  person  so  that  we  would   be  able  to  have  more  space  for  us  this  is  the  inner  secret  of  real  happiness  in  our  life .  stay blessed. 
For  whom  who  is  as  close  to  me  as  moon  is  to  light ,who  is  right  for  me  and  I  am   just   for  him  with  the passage  of  time  but  I love  you  inspite  of  all  givings  as  you  gave   what  you  have, It  is  only  my  fault  to  keep on   demanding.
 Be happy 

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

First Love

First love never dies,it has huge dimensions...vast areas to touch, a marvelous output to feel.
First love does not relate to a single person,in fact it is an orthodox saying.First love is first to everything that inspire us that touch our heart,that dwells in our mind and that urge us to do more and more and go deep inside to discover the new horizons of life.
First love is the beauty of our soul,dream of our intellect and satisfaction of our presence in this World and last but not least it reflects in the things that comes in our way.If we are sincere in our feel then it comes back in our life with full zeal and glory.Now it is up to us how we welcome or rather accommodate our dear that  we are waiting  for decades.   


Tuesday, 2 April 2013

My feel about me

I feel my self as a  tiny  creature in 

  Allah's universe who has to survive among 

  Dinosaurs in the world but I know very well

  that I am a human being,I just want to 

  discover my self so that I could be able to 

  learn a bit about others. 


;;  I am an open book but I wish to be read only                   in  front of you not in front of  a  company.
;;  I want to be in the hearts of my

    close ones not in their lips.

 ;;The words expressed by me are the real 

   feels , true lessons that I have gone

   through  and facing day by day .

" The Light of Love in Life "

 Love is a full time job . It demands total devotion, sincerity ,honesty and truthfulness. 
We should not take it as a part time or rather an overtime so we would not be able to have its 
forever benefits.
As permanent job offers long term facilities and is pensionable too ,but temporary or ad hoc basis job have no such options for our safety a security.
Another kind of job is Internship.
it observes a person whether he is capable to do his task efficiently and can take the burden on.
 Love  is a full time job.
Some take it as a part time simply to refresh themselves.
Some follow it on ad hoc basis when they find a greater option they quit.
Some think as temporary and they might have their own set of  satisfying projects.
Some  believe to work on it  as  an overtime to fulfill their so called extended needs demands of their body and soul.
But when we take it first as on Internship basis,we try to show our best potential,our best face ever. We really need a break through to get in the global
Moreover on the basis of our progress and hard work we might be able to have a permanent job here.
Take the great virtue of LOVE  as  a  great  feel... A  holy  verse...ALLAH' gift.
In this way  we will  enjoy its pleasures forever. Every duty that ALLAH  has given to us should be our Love.
 With this feel we would be able to do it up to the mark and gain eternal success.
Conclusion ;
 Life is over all a full time job ,every desk ,every aspect of its color demands full time attention. 
Love is a charger of our potentials .
LOVE is a right path to follow.
 October 15,2012